Indonesia Java International Destination, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Indonesia Java International Destination, TamanMini Indonesia Indah
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is a cultural tourist areas in Jakarta, Indonesia. Which also is one place that made international destination when people visit to Jakarta, Indonesia. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah was established in 1972 and started the launch on 20 April 1975. . The idea of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is originated from the mother country on a regular regime of Suharto call New Order . Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is intended to show all the contents of wealth and culture in Indonesia in miniature form to foster a love of the Indonesian people.
In Indonesia, almost every tribe has a shape and a different style buildings, not even a tribe rarely have more than one type of traditional buildings. Building or traditional architecture which they have always background based by environmental conditions and culture owned In TMII, the picture is realized through the Pavilion area, which represents tribes located in 26 provinces of Indonesia.
So many buildings in miniature form shown in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, and well equipped to get around in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Many places can be visited to learn and play at the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, because it was Taman Mini Indonesia Indah as one of tourist attractions in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Indonesia Java International Destination, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
Recreational facilities are available at the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah: Istana Anak-anak Indonesia, Train suspension, Swan Boat Arsipel Indonesia, Indonesia Arsipel Swan Boat, Putro Among Park, Taman Ria Atmaja, Taman Ambar Tirta Swimming, Tourism Village, Teater Tanah Airku.

Indonesia Java International Destination

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